Project Anconcito
1 Month of Clinical Psychology Service
Help us restore hope! Our clinical psychology service in Ecuador made a profound impact before the pandemic. We have relied on volunteers trip to fund the project which has stopped. Now, we're determined to bring it back and need your help to make it happen. Your collective supports ensures accessible mental health care and conduct youth workshops and awareness programs for the rest of 2023.Ā This AAP would enable us to hire a clinical psychologist to provide mental health services and facilitate health education program for the community.Ā

Project Anconcito
1 Month of Youth Health Club
$200 each
One of the most important way that FIMRC has been working to increase the health and quality of life of the community is through youth engagement and empowerment. FIMRC is bringing back Wonder Girls and Superman Boys Club. These clubs main objective is to develop the skills and knowledge of health prevention, basic first aid, prevention of vector diseases, prevention of sexual abuse and life project for youth of Anconcito. Donations for this program would help to ensure its sustainability, providing financial support for our coordinator travel costs, any material and equipments needed as well as other donations provided to families.Ā

Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
1 Month of Expanded Medical ServicesĀ
We had relied on volunteers donation to keep our clinic in Alajuelita running. However, due to the lack of volunteers these past few years, our staff have had to reduce the medical services hour and limit the number of patient we see daily. This AAP would enable us to expand our medical services (longer hours and more patients) and ensure the sustainability of our health service in the community.

Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
Outreach Projector
Education is one of FIMRC's three pillars and as such Project Alajuelita staff and volunteers perform numerous outreaches within the locality to educate community members on a variety of prevention-based healthcare topics. A projector would enable the team to more easily and effectively expand its reach and effectiveness during these educational campaigns.

Project Bududa
Laptop (5 needed)
1/5 Adopted by Anonymous!
$650 each
As the second-busiest healthcare facility in Bududa District, the only reason we are able to handle so many patients every day is the use of a state-of-the-art Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system developed by a longtime partner. To run the EMR we have historically relied on donations of used laptops from volunteers, but due to the pause on volunteer trips in Uganda we have not received laptops in a while and are constantly trying to do ad-hoc repairs on the dwindling number we have. This AAP would cover the cost of one laptop to be purchased locally in Uganda to keep the EMR running.

Project Bududa
6 Months of Exam Gloves
As with the laptops, we have relied on volunteers to bring powder-free exam gloves from home because these are hard to procure and expensive in Uganda. However, due to the lack of volunteers these past few years, our staff have had to resort to powdered latex gloves which are the only ones available nearby, with many of them experiencing discomfort and reactions. This AAP would enable us to purchase powder-free exam gloves in bulk from Kampala until volunteer travel resumes.

Adopted!-Clemson University Chapter
Project Anconcito
1 Month of Nutrition Program
FIMRC staff member Stefy has continued to operate the Nutrition Programs throughout nearly the entirety of the COVID pandemic. Helping kids overcome malnutrition ensures they will have the best start to life, and FIMRC operates two different Nutrition Programs within the Anconcito community. Meeting on a bimonthly basis following strict COVID protocols, Stefy has procured donations for food, supplements, medical and dental consultations. Donations for this program would help to ensure its sustainability, providing financial support for Stefy’s travel costs as well as medical equipment needed to measure the kids’ anemia status and other donations provided to families.

Adopted!-Temple University Chapter
Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
1 Month of Medications
The team at Project Alajuelita has not been deterred by COVID-19, and has continued to provide clinical & health education services to the community from a distance. Telemedicine & teletherapy have become the primary mode of clinical services, while team members dispense medications twice each week under proper social distancing guidelines. While operations have continued, it has become increasingly difficult to stock the pharmacy as the site relied on donations from on-site volunteers. This project focuses on fundraising for the pharmacy and other clinical operations at Project Alajuelita to ensure the ability to provide medications for populations who cannot otherwise access them.

Adopted!-TTUHSC Chapter
Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
2 TENS Machines
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current. TENS machines are necessary in our clinic since many of our patients suffer from arthritis, muscular pain and other afflictions caused by postures, repetitive movements and stress generated by the type of activities they do at their jobs or during their daily activities (carrying buckets of water, helping relatives with mobility problems, elderly people etc).
Most of our patients do not have medical insurance, so they do not have many other solutions for their pain.

Adopted!-CHS Outreach
Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
Secure Storage Lockers
Our Costa Rica clinic is in need of secure storage lockers that will hold valuable items like our laptops and certain medications. Burglaries are an unfortunate fact of life in the area and the clinic needs to protect the equipment it needs to serve the community daily.

Adopted!-Anonymous Donor
Project Alajuelita
Costa Rica
End-of-Year Community Party
Community participation means everything to us, and we’d love to host an end-of-year party for around 100 mothers and kids who are regular patients that will help us reaffirm our decades-long bond with Alajuelita after what has been a tough few recent years for the community and the clinic, in a fun and participatory way. This AAP would help cover costs for party favors and equipment while the rest of the cost and effort (such as cooking) will come from the community.

Adopted!-University of Michigan Chapter
Project Bududa
Backup Generator
Electricity in Bududa is sporadic and unreliable and our clinic relies mainly on its solar panels to power the computers and lights. However, due to the increased duration and intensity of the rainy seasons, our panels are not sufficient to provide the 24/7 power our clinic requires. We have been supplementing our power supply with two generators but recently our larger generator finally broke down due to wear and tear-this AAP would help purchase another generator from Kampala.

Adopted!-UNC-Chapel Hill Chapter
Project Bududa
1 Month of Malaria Treatment
Malaria cases usually peak during the two rainy seasons in Bududa, but due to the changing weather patterns rainfall has increased significantly and instead of predictable peaks of confirmed malaria cases, our Bududa clinic is experiencing a high malaria caseload nearly year-round and is struggling to stock enough malaria treatments while maintaining a stock of other crucial medications. This AAP would cover the cost of malaria medications for one month.

Adopted!-University of Pennsylvania Chapter
Project Bududa
1 Month of Malaria Testing
Similar to the situation with malaria medications, our lab needs help keeping up with the increased and sustained demand for malaria testing. This AAP would cover the costs of one month’s worth of Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) as well as crucial necessities like slides and stains.

Adopted!-University of British Columbia Chapter
Project Bududa
1 Month of HIV Testing
Project Bududa maintains an Anti Retroviral Therapy clinic for HIV positive patients and also is one of the leading HIV testing and counseling centers in Bududa District. Once again as demand for testing has increased, our lab needs support to purchase testing kits to continue providing thousands of free tests to the community every month. This AAP would help the lab purchase a month’s supply of HIV test kits.

Adopted! King's College Chapter
Project Bududa
Triage (Station 2) Supplies
Once again, due to a high number of patients, our triage station equipment, particularly our blood pressure machines and digital thermometers is constantly wearing out. This AAP would help us purchase more BP cuffs and thermometers locally.

Adopted!-Plano West High School Chapter
Project Bududa
Equipment Carts
Having one medical cart each in our procedure room and our delivery room would allow our nurses and midwives to have quick access to a prepared, organized and portable emergency supply station to deal with the wide range of emergent patients we see every day.

Adopted!-Harvard Chapter
Project Bududa
MCH Solar Night Lights
While we pride ourselves on being a safe, secure and accessible clinic for women to deliver their babies every day at any hour, many of our MCH clients have expressed that due to the inadequate lighting around our MCH wing, they are nervous to come to that part of the clinic late at night. This AAP would help supplement our existing solar lights with a stronger, brighter lighting system to put womenā€™s minds more at ease.

Adopted!-Tulane University Chapter
Project Bududa
Our clinic facilities are kept running smoothly thanks to the efforts of our amazing maintenance team, who help counter the effects of Bududa’s weather on our building. This AAP would purchase a steel ladder for them to use to allow them to safely access the clinic roof, solar panels, and water tower without having to rely on unwieldy one-time use wooden poles and ladders.

Adopted!-Forest Hills High School Chapter
Project Bududa
Weighing Scales
Our weighing scales tend to wear down quickly due to heavy use and this AAP would help us purchase two each for our outpatient department and for our maternal and child health wing.